Agency Name MESA Schools Program
Categories Children/Youth,Education,Medical & Wellness,Technology
Contact Name Ana Rodarte
Agency Email
Agency Address UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064-Oakes Academic Building
Agency Phone 831-459-1819
Web Address
Office Hours 9am-5pm
Distance from Campus On-campus in Oakes College
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement MESA enables educationally disadvantaged students to prepare for, and graduate from, four-year colleges or universities with math-based STEM degrees. Through MESA, students develop academic and leadership skills, increase educational performance, and gain confidence in their ability to compete professionally. MESA focuses on students from groups that have historically had the lowest levels of attainment to four-year and graduate programs. By closing the achievement gap, MESA students and graduates will be better able to make significant contributions to the socioeconomic well-being of their families and their communities.
Volunteer Duties Tabling during the student fair, judging a competition, assisting a judge, non-competition related support, set-up/clean-up for event, check-in/registration, hospitality, photographer,
Notes updated 03/04/2017